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Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful
ask the Lord to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matthew 9:37-38


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About Harvest Frontiers

Supporting Church Planters who are Engaging Unreached People Groups

Harvest Frontiers develops partnerships between American and Indian believers in order to focus resources and prayers on the one billion South Asians who have little or no access to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Currently, we are helping 50 church planters many of whom are situated in strategic city-centers of northern India, the most “un-reached” area of the world. Through small monthly gifts  and micro-loans, we can provide a steady source of income that is sufficient to meet basic needs, which keeps workers on the field.

Would you consider helping us increase the number of church planters we can help?

Training and Empowering Local Church Planters to Fulfill the Great Commission

Our desire is to catalyze Church Planting Movements by assisting local church planters in their work. We are committed to empowering national leaders by providing prayer support, training seminars, evangelism materials, and financial resources. Our church planters strive to establish churches that are self-governing, self-correcting, self-sustaining, and self-replicating.

Join our prayer network where you can pray for our partners by name and receive encouraging reports from the field.

Bringing the Gospel To Those Who’ve Never Heard The Name of Jesus

“How can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?” – Romans 10:14

We have a huge need for evangelism materials. We need audio bibles, printed bibles, projectors for the Jesus Film, and printed literature. Please consider making a larger gift to this end.

We also take regular trips to India in order to coach, encourage, and disciple church planting teams that have very little access to biblical and theological training. Consider coming with us on a two-week mission trip or donating towards our travel expenses.  

God wants to use you to reconcile the people of South Asia to Himself!

There are more than 1,250,000,000 unreached in India
a $50 monthly gift can go a long way to helping fund Church planting efforts!


3 + 4 =

Contact Us

PO Box 1098
Cascade, ID 83611

Ph: (208) 634-6577
Email: [email protected]